Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
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313 lines
;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package:(PCL LISP 1000); Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
;;; *************************************************************************
;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation.
;;; All rights reserved.
;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works
;;; based upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this
;;; software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United
;;; States export control laws.
;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no
;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any
;;; specification.
;;; Any person obtaining a copy of this software is requested to send their
;;; name and post office or electronic mail address to:
;;; CommonLoops Coordinator
;;; Xerox PARC
;;; 3333 Coyote Hill Rd.
;;; Palo Alto, CA 94304
;;; (or send Arpanet mail to CommonLoops-Coordinator.pa@Xerox.arpa)
;;; Suggestions, comments and requests for improvements are also welcome.
;;; *************************************************************************
(in-package "COMPILER")
(eval-when (compile load eval)
(when (<= system::*akcl-version* 609)
(pushnew :pre_akcl_610 *features*))
;There is a bug in the implementation of *print-circle* that
;causes some akcl debugging commands (including :bt and :bl)
;to cause the following error when PCL is being used:
;Unrecoverable error: value stack overflow.
;When a CLOS object is printed, travel_push_object ends up
;traversing almost the whole class structure, thereby overflowing
;the value-stack.
;from lsp/debug.lsp.
;*print-circle* is badly implemented in kcl.
;it has two separate problems that should be fixed:
; 1. it traverses the printed object putting all objects found
; on the value stack (rather than in a hash table or some
; other structure; this is a problem because the size of the value stack
; is fixed, and a potentially unbounded number of objects
; need to be traversed), and
; 2. it blindly traverses all slots of any
; kind of structure including std-object structures.
; This is safe, but not always necessary, and is very time-consuming
; for CLOS objects (because it will always traverse every class).
;For now, avoid using *print-circle* T when it will cause problems.
(eval-when (compile eval)
(defmacro si::f (op &rest args)
`(the fixnum (,op ,@ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(the fixnum ,x)) args) )))
(defmacro si::fb (op &rest args)
`(,op ,@ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(the fixnum ,x)) args) ))
(defun si::display-env (n env)
(do ((v (reverse env) (cdr v)))
((or (not (consp v)) (si::fb > (fill-pointer si::*display-string*) n)))
(or (and (consp (car v))
(listp (cdar v)))
(let ((*print-circle* (can-use-print-circle-p (cadar v))))
(format si::*display-string* "~s=~s~@[,~]" (caar v) (cadar v) (cdr v)))))
(defun si::display-compiled-env ( plength ihs &aux
(base (si::ihs-vs ihs))
(end (min (si::ihs-vs (1+ ihs)) (si::vs-top))))
(format si::*display-string* "")
(do ((i base )
(v (get (si::ihs-fname ihs) 'si::debug) (cdr v)))
((or (si::fb >= i end)(si::fb > (fill-pointer si::*display-string*) plength)))
(let ((*print-circle* (can-use-print-circle-p (si::vs i))))
(format si::*display-string* "~a~@[~d~]=~s~@[,~]"
(or (car v) 'si::loc) (if (not (car v)) (si::f - i base)) (si::vs i)
(si::fb < (setq i (si::f + i 1)) end)))))
(clines "#define objnull_p(x) ((x==OBJNULL)?Ct:Cnil)")
(defentry objnull-p (object) (object "objnull_p"))
(defun can-use-print-circle-p (x)
(and (not (objnull-p x)) ; because of deficiencies in the compiler, maybe?
(typecase x
(vector (or (not (eq 't (array-element-type x)))
(every #'can-use-print-circle-p x)))
(cons (and (can-use-print-circle-p (car x))
(can-use-print-circle-p (cdr x))))
(array (or (not (eq 't (array-element-type x)))
(let* ((rank (array-rank x))
(dimensions (make-list rank)))
(dotimes (i rank)
(setf (nth i dimensions) (array-dimension x i)))
(or (member 0 dimensions)
(do ((cursor (make-list rank :initial-element 0)))
(declare (:dynamic-extent cursor))
(unless (can-use-print-circle-p (apply #'aref x cursor))
(return nil))
(when (si::increment-cursor cursor dimensions)
(return t)))))))
(t (or (not (si:structurep x))
(let* ((def (si:structure-def x))
(name (si::s-data-name def))
(len (si::s-data-length def))
(pfun (si::s-data-print-function def)))
(and (null pfun)
(dotimes (i len t)
(unless (can-use-print-circle-p (si:structure-ref x name i))
(return nil))))))))))
(defun si::apply-display-fun (display-fun n lis)
(let ((*print-length* si::*debug-print-level*)
(*print-level* si::*debug-print-level*)
(*print-pretty* nil)
(*PRINT-CASE* :downcase)
(*print-circle* nil)
(setf (fill-pointer si::*display-string*) 0)
(format si::*display-string* "{")
(funcall display-fun n lis)
(when (si::fb > (fill-pointer si::*display-string*) n)
(setf (fill-pointer si::*display-string*) n)
(format si::*display-string* "..."))
(format si::*display-string* "}")
;The old definition of this had a bug:
;sometimes it returned without calling mv-values.
(defun si::next-stack-frame (ihs &aux line-info li i k na)
(cond ((si::fb < ihs si::*ihs-base*)
(si::mv-values nil nil nil nil nil))
((let (fun)
;; next lower visible ihs
(si::mv-setq (fun i) (si::get-next-visible-fun ihs))
(setq na fun)
(cond ((and (setq line-info (get fun 'si::line-info))
(do ((j (si::f + ihs 1) (si::f - j 1))
(form ))
((<= j i) nil)
(setq form (si::ihs-fun j))
(cond ((setq li (si::get-line-of-form form line-info))
(return-from si::next-stack-frame
i fun li
;; filename
(car (aref line-info 0))
(list (si::vs (setq k (si::ihs-vs j)))
(si::vs (1+ k))
(si::vs (+ k 2)))))))))))))
((and (not (special-form-p na))
(not (get na 'si::dbl-invisible))
(fboundp na))
(si::mv-values i na nil nil
(if (si::ihs-not-interpreted-env i)
(let ((i (si::ihs-vs i)))
(list (si::vs i) (si::vs (1+ i)) (si::vs (si::f + i 2)))))))
(t (si::mv-values nil nil nil nil nil))))
;(proclaim '(optimize (safety 0) (speed 3) (space 1)))
;Not needed... make-top-level-form generates defuns now.
;(setq compiler::*compile-ordinaries* t)
(eval-when (compile load eval)
(unless (fboundp 'original-co1typep)
(setf (symbol-function 'original-co1typep) #'co1typep))
(defun new-co1typep (f args)
(or (original-co1typep f args)
(let ((x (car args))
(type (cadr args)))
(when (constantp type)
(let ((ntype (si::normalize-type (eval type))))
(when (and (eq (car ntype) 'satisfies)
(cadr ntype)
(symbolp (cadr ntype))
(symbol-package (cadr ntype)))
(c1expr `(the boolean (,(cadr ntype) ,x)))))))))
(setf (symbol-function 'co1typep) #'new-co1typep)
#-(or akcl xkcl)
(in-package 'system)
;;; This makes DEFMACRO take &WHOLE and &ENVIRONMENT args anywhere
;;; in the lambda-list. The former allows deviation from the CL spec,
;;; but what the heck.
(eval-when (compile) (proclaim '(optimize (safety 2) (space 3))))
(defvar *old-defmacro*)
(defun new-defmacro (whole env)
(flet ((call-old-definition (new-whole)
(funcall *old-defmacro* new-whole env)))
(if (not (and (consp whole)
(consp (cdr whole))
(consp (cddr whole))
(consp (cdddr whole))))
(call-old-definition whole)
(let* ((ll (caddr whole))
(env-tail (do ((tail ll (cdr tail)))
((not (consp tail)) nil)
(when (eq '&e